

Fruiton has it’s own NPD Lab which is the first step in bringing new products to fruition.

The Quality Control Lab is equiped to ensure production is spot on with ph, acidity, spesific gravity, brix, viscosity and colour measuring equipment, giving you a uniform product everytime.

We also welcome our brand new Micro Lab, that will assure your product to be microbiologically safe to consume, testing total plate count, yeast and moulds & e-coli among others.

Manufacturing / Production

At Fruition our flavour room is equipped with three flavour mixing tanks of differnet sizes, all mounted on scales for exact batch size up to 3 decimals.

In our blending room there are various mixing and holding tanks. This room is the room where most of the magic happens.

Exclusive Bottling Service

Fruition has a exclusive bottling line for high viscosity products with a MOQ of 1000 L and various bottles and sizes can be filled.

